Sunday, March 25, 2018

Stormcast Eternal vers 1 and prepping new figures

So a bit of a mixed bag over the last two weeks.

Stormcast Eternal

First up was finishing off the Stormcast Eternal I was working on.  I didn't get the bottom of the shield quite right but I'm pretty happy with the hammer and cloud effects around the top of the hammer.

Next was getting back to the ruined house I purchased for Terminator Genisys.  I airbrushed on the majority of the colours.  After I had all the base colours done I then did a smoke overlay over the top of the horse in grey/black to emphasise the battle damage.  That was a bit stark so I used some VGC Bleached Bone and dry brushed top to bottom on the black areas to lighten things up and get a bit of a 'burnt ash' look.  I also added some green mold in the corner of one room and some rank marks just to trial a few techniques that I had read about but not tried.

3 eyed alien

I prepped up a three eyed alien (?) bust that I purchased some time ago off eBay.  Something different to try.  Thinking about doing some kind of ochre colour for the skin.

I got the 54mm knight together and undercoated him.  While thinking about basing him the wife mentioned that he would look good with a horse.  Luckily for me a I have 54mm horse (again, another random eBay purchase).  Not sure if the figures together will work so I'm going to build up the horse (it's lead and needs some work to clean up and put together) and see what they look like together.  The knight is a good standing figure so would fit with a standing the horse which I didn't have any real plans for.

I keep getting distracted by milling machine projects so I'm finding my painting time is going down.  Plus I'm finding it hard to sit and do any painting at the moment.  The desire is there but not the motivation unfortunately.

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