Monday, March 5, 2018

Klaus Copperthumb

This week I was working on Klaus Copperthumb.  I'm really liking these Reaper Bones figures.  The exaggerated 28mm scale compared to the old school Ral Partha 25mm figures makes them a bit easier to paint (for older eyes).  Plus they have some great classic fantasy archtype figures and are only $5.  I always wanted the nirvana of buying a single figure a week and painting it that week  (ie no pile of shame).  The bones range seems to meet that for me.  But to be honest I really should save some money and break out the older Ral Partha figures again.  I guess I've had the older figures for so long the interest level in them has dropped.  Plus the bones figures fit in nicely with Dungeon Saga.

Klaus Copperthumb by Reaper
Most of the figure went well, except for the cloak.  I was trying for a slightly purple grey but really failed to find the mid-tones for this.  My mix was

VMC Deep Sea Blue
VMC Red (small drop)
JS White

In the end I found highlighting up with white and JS Cadmium Medium Yellow didn't work as well as just using VMC BoneWhite.  The final highlights were just glazes of the Bonewhite on the top of the hood.  For shading I tried adding more red (to make the mix more purple) and Black.  That was less successful.

The shirt was more of a surprise.  My base was VMC Golden Yellow and a drop of AP Black.  Obviously the AP Black is pretty high on the blue scale as I ended up with a great looking green.  Highlights by adding yellow, shadows by adding some VMC Violet/Red.

The armoured belt base was VMC German Medium Brown and Black.  I highlighted strongly with the Bonewhite and White which worked out quite well.

I worked on the spacecraft for my Ex-manus void suit figure.  I have a nice idea of a "working outside the space station" in mind.  I used resin in a plastic cup to cast a rounded hull shape, which I then glued various bits onto to 'junk it up' a bit.  Looks really cool.  I undercoated it and then...sad face.  Looks like the resin has gone off as although it set fine it seems to be weeping sticky oil which means the paint can't dry.  I've had this once before and there was no solution.  I suspected the resin was not 100% as the colour of one part of the resin (I use Easycast) had gone a bit funny but hoped for the best.  So now I've cleaned off the whole thing with kerosene and will leave a day or so before trying the repaint.  If this fails again I'll have to start again (and probably chuck the rest of the remaining resin).

Maybe next week?
So up next probably won't be my void suit guy.  Instead maybe a Stormcast Eternal and try something different on him.  I've got 5 of them so I'm using them as test figures (ie not of any game and probably not good enough for display).  I'm also wanting to do a bust again or a 54mm figure.

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