Monday, December 4, 2017

Reaper Spirit of the Forest part 3

Spirit of the Forest
So this week was the rest of the wood on the figure and the core the the greenery done.  I also started to work on the OSL from the eyes of the figure.

For the greenery sections my base colour was JS Sap Green and a touch of Burnt Sienna (to blend it with the wood).  Shading was done by adding in JS Pine Green, Red Earth, Pthalo Green, VMC Red and black.  Highlights were done by adding in Cadmium Yellow Mid, Warm White and White.

For the recessed areas of the greenery went for more of the Pine Green and Pthalo Green.  For the darker areas I used more of the red and black.  Mid level highlights were done by adding the yellow, upper highlights by adding in white.

I also did some of the mushrooms in various colours to add some variety to the figure.

For the OSL I used white and Liquitex Lime Green ink on the eyes.  This was diluted heavily with water/flow aid and glazed on the jaw, eye area and on the two fists.  Pretty much did an straight line from the eyes and where ever that sight line hit the figure I added some glaze.  I now need to got back and add some higher level highlights closer to the eyes.

On the base I painted up some of the grass area and painted in the pond ready for a clear resin pour.

Finally I did a bit of work on the Terminator Genisys terrain piece.  It's way too dark (really should have base coated in a much lighter grey) but I'm happy with it.  I played around with trying some rust colours.  I started with a dark brown and went up to a light orange.  I also tried the AK Rust Streaks which I blended with some white spirit.  That worked pretty well.  Just need to finish painting the ground around the base to all this one done.

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