Monday, November 27, 2017

Reaper Spirit of the Forest part 2 and Terminator Genisys terrain

Spirit of the Forest
So I slacked off big time from painting.  On the plus I watched two seasons of "The Expanse" and most of Punisher season one.  I now however have a very strong urge to scratch build some spacecraft.  Also my shed is cleaned up and has some new shelving.  Also the cosplay sword I'm making for the wife finally got going again.  Too many projects.

Getting back to the Spirit of the Forest figure I've done the wood layer on another leg and both arms.  I kind of forget that I had the Red Earth in the base and went for a mixture of Burnt Sienna, Raw Sienna, Indian Yellow? and White with a touch of red at the end of the highlights.  Shading was done by starting with the base and adding Pthalo Green, VMC Dark Sea Blue and Black.

Rather than do the green parts as I complete each limb I decided to just get all the wood done.  On the left arm I found I had gone too far with the highlights so need to bring that back a few notches.  Do do this I did a few light glazes of the base Burnt Sienna over all the arm.

For the eyes I added some Pthalo Green to the mixture and highlighted by adding in more yellow and white.  My intent is to do some OSL from the eyes (yes - very standard but my first attempt at OSL).  Also on the fists I have done some glazing in the green mixture on where light would hit if coming from the eyes.

Finally while cleaning out the plastic scrap bin in my shed I came across a few pieces that I though could make some good modern terrain.  The base was the holder for a router bit and the tubing is from a CD spindle holder.  I'm going for a ruined comms/power tower look.  I super glued the tube to the base and put a wooden dowel inside the tube to fill up the space.  Then milliput standard was used to fill in the gaps.  I stripped some insulated wire and used the copper wire pieces to stick out the top to represent some broken rebar.  Next will be coating the whole think in Vallejo stone paste which I'll sponge to get a rough concrete finish.

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