Monday, August 28, 2017

Adokul the Monk part 5 - bases and books

So this week was more work on the arms of the figures.  I now have both arms pretty much sorted so the figure is starting to come together now.  The sword needs some love next.

Right arm done
For the base I did some samples on some parquet flooring plastic card sheet I had.  I tried three colours of wood - tan, red/brown and dark brown.  Some of them were starting to look ok but none of the colours were really working with the figure.  Then the wife mentioned porphyry marble which is a rich red/purple with white flecks.  The red/purple I think will look quite good with the figure so some experiments with that are next.  Also I will use flow aid medium to get the marble effects like I did with the Violinist marble fountain.

Start of one of the large books
Most of my time this week was spent sculpting books.  Another one of those moments when I catch myself and think “I am really doing this?”  The plan is that the figure’s foot will be on a pile of books and the sword will be driven into the books (maybe with the tentacles as well).  The whole “evil heresy books” theme which fits with the look of the figure.

Sorry, no macro lens shot
I started the books with a core of balsa wood with two pieces of plain plastic card for the covers superglued on.  Then I used my standard Milliput/green stuff mix (70/30) to put a layer of putty around the book that I then sculpted in some pages.  On the covers I added various details made from plastic card, some sections of fence I had and hardened green stuff rolled out flat.  I found the hardened green stuff was the worst to work with as even though very thin it wanted to got back to being flat so was hard to glue.  The plastic card strips were the easiest as I put some glue on the area I wanted to bend, let the glue soften the plastic, then shaped it.  I made up a number of books so i have a selection to choose from.  I might also put a chain around one for some more flair.

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