Monday, August 14, 2017

Adokul the Monk part 3

Continuing on from last week I decided to paint all the trim gold.  I first pre-shaded this in a brown/orange before painting over with a mixture of Vallejo Metal Air Gold, VMC Gold and some VMC Dark Sea Blue.  Then some highlights were picked up by using just the VMC Gold and some AP Silver.

I did the same for the chest eagle as well.  Once it was done I redid the blue around the eagle to fix up some over painted areas and shaded around the eagle in a dark violet to make the yellow gold pop some more and enforce the 3D aspect of the eagle being on top of the armour.  I also shaded the gold eagle with some VMA Armour Brown and Dark Sea Blue.

I then saw that I had forgotten the detail work on the feet, so I went back and did that.  Rather than the bright gold I used VMA Rust with the gold mix to tone everything down.

Then there was lots of detail shading to bring out some of the details around the gold armour and the blue armour.  I also added some scratches to the armour.  To do this I painted a dark line with Armour Brown/Rust and then underneath that (i.e. catching the light) a line in light blue.

I started the base coats of the various components on both arms.  I think I will paint the white cloth, gloves and leather tassel's to completion before gluing the arms on.  Then I will finish the blue armour and trim with the arms on the figure.

The book
I painted up the small book and glued that onto the figure with two part epoxy.  Luckily I remember to check that the chains fitted and realised I had let the book sag a little.  So the book was moved and tilted up so the chains fitted (just).  Getting the plastic rods through the mounting holes and the chain was painful.  One was easy but the second was right on the limit of the chain.  That took the better part of 10 minutes of trying and failing before finally getting the rod through.  Along the way I chipped off a little paint as well.  The rods were then glued with PVA (I was afraid super glue to fog the paint).  They aren’t structural, they just have to not move.

Book attached

I also painted up three more terminators and three terminator crawlers.  Only two walking and two crawling terminators to go.

Terminator Genisys figures
So next week will hopefully be the arms and getting them on.  I haven’t considered the warhammer yet.  I’m thinking of replacing it with something (a mace?) else.  But I want to get the arms in place before deciding on that.

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