Well a bit of two steps forward, one step back this week. A bit of rework on a couple of bits so not much progress forward.
Head and arms attached |
I started on the both arms. I got the leather gloves, tassels and linen cloth done before gluing the arms in place. All of these areas are on the underside of the figure so pretty hard to work on once they are on the figure.
For the leather gloves I used the same base as the leather tassels (VMC Leather Brown/VMC Medium Flesh) but I highlighted with more JS Yellow Oxide so they would be a bit different.
Pre-shading started on trim |
The arms glued on without issue (pinning the figure before painting always a good idea). However there were some small gaps on the rear of the figure. Nothing major so I used some green stuff to fill them in (I didn’t want to use milliput as it can stain). However while I was moving the putty around I managed to lift off a large chunk of paint on the back. Sigh. So a quarter of the back had to be repainted.
Repaired back |
I then started work on the left arm shading up the blue and then starting the pre-shading of the gold with some orange/yellow oxide mix. Lots of tiny details needing to be edge painted so very slow going.
Book all done |
Finally I painted up the chain that the book is attached to. I used some VMA Rust and Gold together to make a weathered looking chain section. I didn’t want it gold as I’m reserving that for the trim sections.
Looking at the figure on the base the wife bought up the point that the base was a bit big for the figure. Originally I had made the larger base because of the weight of the figure and all that metal making it quite top heavy. I did a trial on a smaller base where I had stained the wood a red/brown (Jarrah wood stain) and the blue really worked well with it. So a made a new smaller base and drilled out the bottom of it. Then I melted some lead (from old bases, etc) and poured it into the hole to add some weight to the bottom of the base. Then I used two part epoxy to fill in the rest and to seal in the lead. I’m going back to an earlier idea of having the figure standing on a stack of books. So I need to make up some books in milliput.
New sword for figure |
Last week I was thinking of not going with the warhammer. Going through the figure stash I found a large claymore sword that fits with the figure. I’ll go with the stance of the weapon end being in the ground. The sword was quite old and made of lead. While working on it, it broke in two places. Rather than drill it (parts too small) I used Zap-a-Gap super glue. Normally I use the cheap and nasty super glue. Well Zap-a-Gap is worth the extra money. Works really well and using the kicker helped a lot. Despite being a very small join area it’s pretty strong. I then covered the blade in diluted milliput to fill in all the cracks and gaps from the poor casting.
This week more gold arm trim…