Adokul the Monk by Andrea |
I did a lot of prep work on Adokul this week. First up was drilling and gluing in pins in all the parts to hold him together. I always pin my metal figures together and then use two part epoxy to glue them together. The fact that the two part epoxy have some bulk helps filling the gaps as most metal figures don’t have that good a join between parts (compared to plastic figures). I glued the legs and body together and then filled in the gaps with some Milliput.
Adokul wooden base underway |
For the object under the left foot I played around with a number of options and in the end went for a dwarf stone statue head. Makes him more fantasy based but that is ok.
I had to wait until the weekend to undercoat him as it’s a bit cold at night in the shed. I did the usual two stage undercoat of all over black, and the white on the highlights.
Ral Partha thief |
While waiting for undercoats to dry I wanted to try doing some armour and do some colour/enamel like effects. So into the stash of old school Ral Partha/Grenider figures. I found a nice plate mail figure and a thief to do while I waited for the plate mail to dry. I ended up doing the thief first, she was a bit hard as the face was obscured by her hood. Also my eyes needed to be trained back to doing 25mm again. After all the broad brush work on the Anonymous bust hard to go back to super small work. Plus the eyes aren’t what they were 15 years ago when I was painting these more often. Kept her pretty dark as that fitted with the thief idea. Thieves don’t want to stand out too much.
Grenadier fighter underway |
For the plate mail guy, I decided to go for a dragon skin cloak and practice on getting my reds better. Wanting coloured armour I mixed some Jo Sonja’s Phthalo blue with the AP Plate mail. I bit more subtle than the standard metallic blue. I do like the AP metallic range, I find them very smooth and the mica is really ground fine (so no silver flakes). I need to do the armour highlights/shades still and more on the red. His face was a pain as it is quite recessed and the left arm of the figure gets in the way when trying to get a brush in there. I think I did the eyes at least 6 times. Definitely lost the touch there.
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