Monday, May 8, 2017

Slacking off and a model show

Pretty much just slacked off this week.  I finished off the second Terminator board so those are now done.  I tried to do some of a WW2 German AT crew figure I have but didn’t really do much.  Some weeks the painters block sets in hard.  There is the desire to do some painting but when you sit down there just isn’t any energy.  Then the regret of not painting hits and you start to wonder why you bother.

I rallied late in the weekend and managed to finish off an undead troll from Dungeon Saga.  For the second one I will do some more pre-highlights on the top of the figure as this one was a bit too uniform in tone.  However the two tone AP wash (Strong Tone, then Dark Tone) worked out pretty well for quickie paint job.

Inanis got some more water effect coats, getting there.

Also made up the base for my Banshee bust.

On Friday night I found out that the IPMA show was on over the weekend.  This is in Wollongong but only takes me approx 45mins to get there.  Pretty much the same time as to get to Parramatta where the Sydney model show is normally on and I don’t have to fight city traffic and parking.  So the wife and kids all came for the drive and we did a few tourist things in Wollongong afterward.  The bring and buy was excellent and I purchased a few things.

- Building $15

A vacuum form building.  Even better two spures of the building accessories.  This includes lamps, fences, light posts, etc.  Diorama gold.


- German mounted infantry - $5

Germans on horses, why not

- 1/24 68 Shelby Cobra - $5

Missing all the clear parts (i.e. windows, lights).  I’ve never made a car kit and always wanted to.  However the $40 for a new one was more that I was willing to do for a “just because” feeling.  However at $5, bargain.  Plus if I totally muck it up no money lost.  I’m thinking now of a diorama of a car being worked on in a garage (to cover for the lack of windows), rust effects, oil stains, etc.  I already have a 75mm figures from the set of railway figures I purchased for the kids to paint.  He wasn’t quite good enough for a standalone figure but in a diorama he should be fine.  Another bucket list item underway.

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