Monday, May 1, 2017

Dungeon Saga and Banshee bust prep

Dungeon Saga Dwarf King

Continuing on with the Dungeon Saga figures I painted up the Dwarf King.  As the other dwarf undead figures had purple(ish) cloaks I gave him one too.  I went for a yellow/green tunic to set off the cloak a bit.  For the crown I did a some experimenting.  Rather than painting it gold I did two coats of VMC Smoke over the white undercoat, and then added in some yellow for the highlights.  As the Smoke is translucent it really lets the white come through.  So not true NMM but it does look a bit metallic :)

Dungeon Saga Troll - base coat on flesh
Now I have the three trolls to do.  Not wanting to get bogged down on the larger figures I started with a VMC Green Brown and then did a AP Strong Tone/Dark Tone wash.  Next I will pick out the details (bones, stomach bits, ropes, etc) and see how it looks.

Did more coats of water effects on Inanis.  Getting there slowly.

Banshee training bust

I’ve been a bit stuck on what to do next.  I have a few 54mm figures I’m thinking about but just can’t commit to one.  I’ve had the training bust that Banshee (Alfonso Giraldes) made for a while so decided it was time to get that out.  The bust normally comes with a base designed so you can hold onto the figure while painting.  Very handy but it looks a bit odd.  So I cut that off and mounted the piece on a brass rod as usual.  However the first time I did this I got the angle wrong and had to remove the rod (heating the brass rod helps break the glue btw) and try again.  I will make up a simple wooden base later.

With Salute just gone Warlord Games were offering the Terminator basic set for 10 pounds.  I couldn’t resist and got a copy.  This triggered an episode of terrain making as I haven’t done any for some time.  Once a flocker, always a flocker.  I took two of my old 2x4 foot mdf boards that were covered with static grass paper mats, stripped off the paper and painted one side a mid brown.  Then I airbrushed over a variety of colours (dark brown, light brown, a few greens) to break up the brown.  I’ve done one board with the other to be done this week.  I also had five plaster rocks in the cupboard that I painted up the same brown and then dry brushed them and flocked them.  Almost got this terrain bug out of my system.

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