Monday, October 15, 2018

More putty work and a Dungeon Saga figure

So the putty work continued this week.

All ready for primer

Up first was the wing claw of the GW LotR Balrog.  This had been snapped off at some stage.  First up I drilled and glued in a paper clip shaped the rough curve of the other claw and then covered it in Milliput.  Once dry I carved this down to match the existing claw.  After that I sanded the Milliput with 320 and then 600 grit sand paper to smooth out the surface as the existing plastic claw is very smooth of course.

Redone claw
I then dropped the figure and chipped off the end of the claw.  So I switched to green stuff as it is more flexible and redid the tip of the claw (unfortunately not as sharp) and added in some more knuckle shapes, etc.  Calling it done at this stage.

Final thing was drilling and pinning the feet for attaching to the base.

Two joins only - take that Balrog
I also did a bit of green stuff work on some Reaper Bones figures I purchased to cover up the join marks.  Nothing major there.

I had planned to start priming all these figures but the weather has been too wet whenever I'm at home and the shed does get a bit cold and humid so decided to wait a bit.

Dungeon Saga figure
Finally actually did some painting and worked on the Kickstarter exclusive figure from the Dungeon Saga kickstarter.  Kind of need a small figure to get back into things after near two months with very little painting.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Milliput is my friend - GW Balrog work

Feed me hobbits!
This week went to town with the milliput on the GW LotR Balrog figure.  So much milliput.  Part of this was because the figure had been broken apart and bits had been snapped off, especially around the wings.  Part was because of the usual GW approach to cutting up figures for the molds.  No hidden joins under overhanging sculpted details to make things clean.  Nope, been spoilt there with new resin figures.  Just the good old 'slice off the pieces' and let the buyers fix up the joins.

Wings after glue
I pinned (using chopped up paper clips) and superglued (with Zap-a-gap) all the pieces together.  The arms were the easiest as they had sockets.  The wings originally did but the inserts had been snapped off and were still in the figure.   So drilling and pinning there.  The back flames had tabs so they didn't need pinning.  The head had nothing, just a smooth join so pinning was a must there.

Wings after putty work
...and some more putty

Original base glued inside the new resin base, pre milliput
For the base the figure came with a 60mm flat base, totally different from the usual GW lipped bases. So I went off to The Combat Company and got a 60mm resin base.  I glued in the plastic base inside to add some bulk and used more milliput to hid the edge gap.

Love this barn
I also put together the Renedra barn and have now glued this onto a piece of 3mm mdf.

Reaper Fire Giant
Finally I put together the Reaper Fire Giant.  Only one tiny seam line to fill in on this one :)

Monday, October 1, 2018

MOAB 2018

Well, been a bit quiet.  Home life has been kicking me around recently with lots of 'around the house' projects that took up most of the last month.  Those now are finally done and I can get some free time on the weekend to do my stuff instead of home stuff.

MOAB 2018 was once again on over the long weekend and I headed for the bring-and-buy.  After waiting in line for 45mins (every year I'm having to go a bit earlier :) ) it was into second hand game heaven.

Every year I love seeing the gaming trends come and go.  This year it was obvious that X-wing was on the decline with lots of items for sale.  I found quite a few bargains and some just random things I didn't want but were priced at the 'why not' price point.

* Various lego sets - $38

Not only were all complete, but the boxes had all been opened very carefully to avoid ripping.  Plus they had been stored away from the sun and not crushed at all.  Some true anal retentive behaviour there.  The kids of course just ripped them apart.

* Bane 75mm $30

A cheap 75mm figure as a painting project.  

* Walrus 1/72 - $10

I've been after this kit for some time but it is out of production it seems.  I have dreams of dioramas around this plane.  Too much Biggles as a kid.

* Barn - $5

Awesome buy at $5, plus inside the box were three sprues of the Renada wattle fences as well.  $45 for $5.  Already built the barn.

* Reaper Bones Fire giant (old) - $10

Another figure for painting just because.

* GW LotR Balrog - $20

In pieces and paint stripped (badly) but complete.  Not really for playing LotR (a game and figure range I love) with but more for a huge figure and only at $20.  Will need a fair amount of putty work. 

* Tree set - $10

Purchased this mainly for the plastic tree pieces for dioramas.

* Battlemasters map - $5

Huge hold out vinyl map with a hex grid.  Purchased to keep the kids occupied for a day or so over the school holidays

* DS game - $3

For the kids, can't complain at $3

* Gamer's grass - $10

The only thing I actually purchased from a retail store at MOAB because they were on special.

So some good buys and the kids were pretty happy with all the Lego.  Resisted all the Walking Dead sets there that were very cheap and other things I just didn't need.  There were some great MDF laser cut sets on sale from various retail sellers.  But I just can't justify buying them given that I'm not playing anything at the moment.