Sunday, July 1, 2018

Orphan 9 kickstarter figure

So this week was more of the Orphan 9 base and figure.

Base getting near done
On the base I added some weathering.  First up was some rust and stains on the wall plate and beam.  I went from dark orange/brown to light orange with paint and then added some rust coloured pigments (from Vallejo).  I then wet down the wall and streaked/stained the pigments down the wall.  Still might try using the enamel AK rust wash I have too.

On the green door I added scuff marks, some rust spots and some glazes (dark to the bottom, lighter yellow to the top) to add some variation.  Might need some more contrast there.

I superglued in the electric wire around the top and added in some wire stands from the light.  They aren't really visible so I need to do something extra there to show that the light isn't working.  Maybe a hanging down glass cover?
Ugg, panda eyes.  Try again

Then it was onto the figure.  I started with the head as it was going to the hardest part being so small.  I spent 2-3 hours trying to get it right.  I was being super careful as if I did too many layers of paint it was start to show.  The eyes especially were hard.  I got the left eye on the first go.  The right eye (always harder) took 4 goes.  I had to drop down to a 000 brush and use the next step up magnification on the head lens set to see what I was doing.

Looking like a face
Still not 100% but I'm stopping before I break it again.  On the zoom it looks pretty good (much better than panda eyes on the earlier go.  The white stripe in the hair was a bit of an accident.  I was painting the hair black going around the head and left a white stripe.  I think it added a nice accent/highlight so I left it.

Base colours blocked in
Rather than go for the traditional black stealth suit I the wife suggested a more army camouflage option.  Didn't really want that but went for a military jumpsuit style.  The purple doesn't go with the boots so need to change that up.  However against the base she really stands out.

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