Sunday, May 13, 2018

Orphan 9 kickstarter figure and base

So I've mainly been making fidget spinners this last week or so.  Resin casing up some and making and casting an additional bar spinner for the kids.  That is now into the final spray painting stage so almost done there.

I finished up the 28mm barbarian I was working on.  Putting him in the cupboard with the other (and much older) figures it's pretty much chalk and cheese between the old and new.  Even with figures from a year or so ago there is a huge difference.

I am still not sure on how to get started with the 54mm knight.  Not sure what is going on there.  Didn't stop me from buying some more 54mm figures from eBay however.

Orphan 9 kickstarter figure
The figure from the Orphan 9 kickstarter arrived a few weeks back and I got a really strong idea for a diorama base for her.  She is very much a true 25mm (think old school Ral Partha) figure with super fine detail.  I seriously am doubting if I have the brush control to paint her face it's that small and fine.

Start of the base

For the base I got the idea of her waiting around the corner in a cyberpunk environment.  Using pine as the base material I used some pre-printed brick styrene sheet for the walls.
The bits..
The railing that is a great source for odd shapes

Then with some card I made up a door.  I have a Victorian era railing that I cut up for various details.  I used the rails for electric wire holders around the top of the building, the round rail decoration bit for wall bolts (to show age in the building) and some of the circle detail bits for the door handle.  Max level repurposing.  To attach the figure to the base her legs are almost too thin for drilling and adding pins so I am thinking of cutting down the support tab to make small pins under each foot.  Going to have to be rather careful there.

all together

For colours I need to trial some ideas.  Currently black boots (of course), red jump suit and dark blue padding/armour areas.  Really going to need the optivisor for this figure.

Now for the paint

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