Sunday, January 8, 2017

1/35 Tamiya German and starting the Halo Fleet battles human captain

1/35 German AT gun crew by Tamia
This week I knocked off one of the 1/35 German figures from the Tamiya 37mm AT gun set. This was the figure carrying the 37mm rounds to the AT gun.  I found it really hard to get  his face right.  I was using the Cimmerian King flesh mix I developed instead of the usually ‘orange’ standard flesh colours but found it kept going very purple on me.  Also the face was a bit uneven (it is a 40 year old figure) and I had to redo one eye over 5 times.  Found the Cimmerian king face so much easier to do even though it’s the same size.  The figure just needs the rifle added to the back which will need a bit of putty work to join the gaps.

Hmm, messy face

I redid the eyes on my Amy Johnson bust as I thought there was too much white in the eyes.  That didn’t take long and I’m a bit happier with them now.  I also redid some of the Cimmerian King’s eye work as after a week I was able to spot a few things that looked off.  Pre Cancon jitters I suspect.

Trying out some of the blue range
I have a number of blues but most are too purple (a lot of the VGC range) or too bright.  Maybe I'm just keyed into Ming blue?  To get around this I got some VMC Prussian Blue for my Halo Fleet battles human captain bust.  Traditional I know, but he is a human in the navy so he should be in blue :)  I’m going to be using the following blues on him

VGC Night Blue
VMC Prussian Blue
VMC Flat Blue
VMC Sky Blue

However I need to work out his hair colour first.  The bust is of an older man so I’m thinking black with grey.  But I’m not sure on that and need to have that sorted before I start going full ahead with the various blues.

Think I’ll go watch some more Ben Komets videos and let that bubble away for awhile.  If you haven’t already the Patreon channel Ben Komets ( has is well worth the investment.  The only downside is realising how fast and good he paints.

No dust on you...

I picked up a nice way to keep dust of figures underway.  A 2L drink bottle bottom upside down is a quick and easy way to get a dust shield.  Think I got that from Mike Blank somewhere along the line.

Microballons at lasts

Lastly The Combat Company now stock the AK range of diorama materials.  Finally found some microballons for the next snow scene!

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