Sunday, December 18, 2016

54mm Cimmerian King (aka Conan) banner and base work

Started a new job this week so not much time/energy for other things.  I redid the eyes on the figure at least 3 times trying to get it right.  The first time the eyes were a bit small (i.e. too much white), second time too bug eyed, third time better with a couple of retries.  I need to go back and do some more eye practice.  Still need to put on the light spot (if I can) on the pupil.  Usually my hands aren’t steady enough for 54mm eyes.  Then he will be done I think.

I also finished off the loin cloth and add some more highlights using VMC Iraqi Sand and white.

Battle banner
I finished off the banner.  I changed the red ribbon (?) on the centre of the banner to yellow to add some more colour and so that it didn’t clash with the red of the shield.  I’m pretty much call it done.

Barren hillock
The base was painted and grass/etc was added.  It’s pretty barren and uniform so I decided to add in a fallen banner (i.e. a defeated opponents banner) to lay in the dirt at the foot of the hillock that the figure is on.  I made this out of green stuff by rolling it very thin and then shaping it in place on the base.  I put some cling wrap under the green stuff so it wouldn’t stick to the base while it dried.  With lots of water the thin green stuff is almost like tissue paper so you can shape it quite well, and once dry it hold the shape even though it is very thin.  Thinking about painting on the ‘two snakes, like this’ design on the banner :)

Fallen banner (undercoated)
I might need to add some green/colour (maybe flowers?) in addition once I’ve done the banner.  When everything is glued together I’ll do some pigment work on the the base/figure.

Dungeon Saga Zombie
Also started doing the next set of Dungeon Saga figures, some of the zombies.  A quick base coat of necrotic flesh and then brown flesh washes, nothing fancy.

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