Sunday, December 18, 2016

54mm Cimmerian King (aka Conan) banner and base work

Started a new job this week so not much time/energy for other things.  I redid the eyes on the figure at least 3 times trying to get it right.  The first time the eyes were a bit small (i.e. too much white), second time too bug eyed, third time better with a couple of retries.  I need to go back and do some more eye practice.  Still need to put on the light spot (if I can) on the pupil.  Usually my hands aren’t steady enough for 54mm eyes.  Then he will be done I think.

I also finished off the loin cloth and add some more highlights using VMC Iraqi Sand and white.

Battle banner
I finished off the banner.  I changed the red ribbon (?) on the centre of the banner to yellow to add some more colour and so that it didn’t clash with the red of the shield.  I’m pretty much call it done.

Barren hillock
The base was painted and grass/etc was added.  It’s pretty barren and uniform so I decided to add in a fallen banner (i.e. a defeated opponents banner) to lay in the dirt at the foot of the hillock that the figure is on.  I made this out of green stuff by rolling it very thin and then shaping it in place on the base.  I put some cling wrap under the green stuff so it wouldn’t stick to the base while it dried.  With lots of water the thin green stuff is almost like tissue paper so you can shape it quite well, and once dry it hold the shape even though it is very thin.  Thinking about painting on the ‘two snakes, like this’ design on the banner :)

Fallen banner (undercoated)
I might need to add some green/colour (maybe flowers?) in addition once I’ve done the banner.  When everything is glued together I’ll do some pigment work on the the base/figure.

Dungeon Saga Zombie
Also started doing the next set of Dungeon Saga figures, some of the zombies.  A quick base coat of necrotic flesh and then brown flesh washes, nothing fancy.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

54mm Cimmerian King (aka Conan) flesh work

I was on holidays this week and strangely had lots of time for painting in between all the house holiday jobs.  So not only was flesh painted but most of the figure was pretty much cracked and the banner and shield were also started.  I even got a base coat on the base and sneaked in three Dungeon Saga figures with some quickie dry brushing.

54mm Cimmerian King
First off I had to balance my painting stick as the figure has one leg stuck out.  Some old lead bases were taped onto the piece of dowel to counter balance him.  Also some white-tack secured the figure as he only has a single pin (in his rear).

My new flesh colour really paid off.  With just the base coat on the purples in the mixture meant that the shadow areas were already looking darker.  I followed the colours as described last week and it all went pretty well.  I did some near pure Violet Red and Dark Sea Blue glazes in parts to help out with the shadows and some VMC Flat Yellow glazes the top of the figure to try and warm him up a bit.

His hair has muscles
For the boots my base was VMC Leather Brown and VMA Yellow Ochre (really starting to like this colour) with a touch of VMC Violet Red and VMC Iraqi Sand added.  Highlights by adding more Yellow Ochre/Iraq Sand and shadows by adding more Violet Red.

The loin cloth is the second attempt (the first one was too close to the flesh colour).  This one is a mixture of VMC Red, VMC Leather Brown and Black.

The hair base coat was VMC Black/Brown with some extra black.  I only highlighted it using Yellow Ochre, a touch of red and Violet Red and some white.  I had to be very careful that it didn’t start going green because of the yellow mixing with the blue (in the black paint).  Very much a case of less is more.

The bracelets are VGC Tinny Tin and VMC Dark Sea blue, highlighted up with AP Plate Mail and VMA Aluminum.  Shadows by adding more Dark Sea Blue and black.

The banner is still a work in progress.  I need to do some more on the rusty metal and the yellow tassel as they are looking a bit dirty.  Most of the front of the banner will be hidden by the shield.

Chipping fluid attempt number one
With the shield, I am trying out using chipping fluid for the first time.  Getting some nice results but my colours are all off.  I first added too much rust (as per the picture), then tried yellow, that went ugly and I ended up stripping off all the paint and trying again.  Now I’m back to the red without the rust.

Dungeon Saga ghosts

Between bits I dry brushed up the three ghosts for Dungeon Saga.  Quickie bake painting style.

This week I’m back to work so progress will slow again.  Need to finish up the banner and shield if I can.  Maybe some base work but I think I will leave the figure alone.  Need to come back to it with fresh eyes.

84 Leds of pure light love
Lastly Christmas came a bit early and got me a Daylight Task Lamp XL from mektronics.  It was on special and I’ve been wanting one for awhile.  It is lovely.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

New flesh, bases and finishing Dungeon Saga figure

A page of flesh mixture failures
I’m still not happy with any of the flesh colours I’ve managed to make so spent some time going back to a few 28mm test figures and trying out new flesh colours.  I want the figure to be very dark (he gets a lot of sun) and weathered.  So not the standard ruddy red/orange that you get from the usual flesh colours.  That said making a flesh colour is something I’m finding rather hard to do.  I keep ending up with these odd grey/purples with flat chalk highlights and overly crimson shadows.  Too much yellow and blues make things green.

In the end I’ve mixed up a colour that I think may work.  Even if it doesn’t I need to force myself forwards as I keep dithering and wasting time.  By this stage I wanted the figure well underway and I still haven’t started.  Seven weekends until Cancon so not sure if this figure is going to make it.

My current dark flesh attempt is..(which ends up light a lighter VMC Brown Sand).

From many parents, a new paint is born


VGC Beasty Brown
VMA Yellow Ochre
VMC Violet Red
VMC Iraqi sand
VMC Light sand


Base + more brown and violet red
VGC Dark Flesh
VMA Mahgony
VMC Dark Sea Blue


Base + more yellow ochre and light sand
VMC Iraqi Sand
VMA White

I’m keeping the base light as its always easier to go darker.

The base is all undercoated.  I did the finish coat (in black) of the base and varnished it in satin varnish.  So it’s all ready to go.

Base all undercoated

I finished off the Dungeon Saga figure from last week.  Very happy with him/it.  I made a point of using a mix colour for all parts.  I used VMA Intermediate Blue in with most of the mixes do harmonize the colours.
Dungeon Saga character

Some of the colours used were

1 - VMA Intermediate Blue
2 - VMC Green Brown
3 - VMC German Med. Brown
4 - VMC Smoke

Skin - 1+2
Hard skin/bark - 3+1 (and some 2)
Cloak - 1 + VGC Night Blue
Staff - Smoke + Black

This week - flesh must be painted.  Lets hope it doesn’t end in tears and paint stripper.