Got cracking on things this week and got a few bits done. First up was finishing up the ground work. This was painting the weeds (made from jute twine) a few different shades of olive green/yellow. The pebble path was painted and needs some pigments to finish it off. I’ll do that after pieces (i.e. wall/fence) are glued down to avoid smearing the pigments.
Violinist |
On the figure itself I got the bag, puppets and the violin arm done. The other arm is glued on and once the glue is set I’ll need to do some putty work on it before painting.
Puppets on the bag |
The two puppets are of death and a woman. For death I went for more brown/blacks on the bottom and faded greys on the top of the figure. I still have to glue on the scythe but will do that as the last step as it is the most fragile part of the whole figure. The woman I did in purples (based off the old Citadel Warlock Purple) to add a bit of colour but by keeping her purple she tones in with the figure’s cloak.
Violin |
The violin I used VGC Parasite Brown mixed with some VMC Smoke as the main colour. The edges were done in VMA Mahogany. I used VMC Smoke to shade down every part of the violin to again tone the various colours together. The sculpt on the violin is fantastic. I was able to paint the violin strings by painting with the edge of the paint brush. I used some yellow in the shades/glazes at the top of the violin to lighten up around the face area to draw the eye there.
The right arm socket is not a great fit for the arm so I pinned the arm and used a lot of two part epoxy glue to fill up some of the gaps. I will also need to use some green stuff to fill in the gaps as well. Then it’s down to painting the arm and all the painting is done. Well except for the touch ups where I’ve missed something or some paint has rubbed off (on the base of the cloak for example) from me handling it during dry fit test runs.
I’ve also spent some time putting all the pieces on the base, to see how everything is starting to go together. I’ve decided that the German shepherd dog will probably go and although I was going to put the violinist on a box I think I will drop that as well. Kind of annoying as I spend a week making multiple boxes and painting them. On the plus side, I can make pretty good boxes. The cat was going to be near the fountain between the pots but I think I will move it to the garden peering around the fence.
Next week, finish the arm and touch ups. Then the final touches to the base and maybe start gluing things together. Almost there!
Speed painting base coats - 15mins |
Finally, while waiting for glazes to dry I speed painted the base coats on a Dungeon Saga figure and undercoated some skeletons. Might teach the kids about dry brushing and see what they can do..
Beautiful Work! i just love it,
ReplyDeleteit reminds me of works by Will Shakespeare. BB