After a very slow start I actually got some bits done this week. I finished off the marble effects on the fountain. In the end I just made the whole thing marble as I didn’t want the different colours breaking up the area too much. Once the fountain was done I started shading the bricks. I did two levels of shading.
Fountain wall with a quick mock up with the animals, violinist goes on the box |
The first level was each brick was shaded individually with the bricks on the lower sections getting more dark area and the bricks on the top sections getting more light areas. My light to dark mix on the bricks was
VGC Charred Brown
VMC Hull Red - base
VMC Flat Red
VMC Light Orange
For the second level I did a number of glazes by adding in VMC Dark Sea Blue and VMC Light Yellow to the dark/light mixes across the whole brick area. So the dark glaze on the lower 1/3 and the lighter glaze on the top 1/3. I repeated the glazes a few times but reduced the area each time so by the third glaze only approx 1/9 of the total brick area was being done. I then tied up some of the grouting that had been coloured over by the glazes.
Your friend and mine, Liquid Gloss |
Next big item was pouring the resin (Liquid Gloss) for the water pond. Been putting this off for a bit as I didn’t want it to go wrong so did the usual avoidance technique. Finally just did it.
Mold box ready to go |
After boxing up the area and covering the paint with a coat of varnish I mixed up the resin and poured in three layers. After each layer (approx 2mm deep) I used my propane torch to get rid of any bubbles. This way I could pour the whole amount in one go without bubbles getting trapped deep in the resin. Did slightly melt the styrene card.
Resin in, melted styrene sheet :) |
Now to leave for a day before pulling off the mold box and trimming off the edges, and then a whole week before the sanding.
The violinist, at last |
Lastly I actually started to put paint the figure itself. Been a long time coming.
Next week I will try and get the water in the fountain underway and actually paint some more of the figure.
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