Saturday, February 6, 2016

Starting back up in teal

To warm back up to painting I first spent a couple of nights playing around with some  colour mixes.  The wife wanted her dwarf to have some teal on it so I needed to work out the mixes for it.

Is this the teal you were looking for?

The base colour is VMC Light Turquoise.  I did a lot of experiments trying to get the shade colours correct.  I tried maroons, dark blues, black but kept ending up with dark green or olive as the shade which didn’t match the base colour.  In the end it found mixing down with VGC Falcon Turquoise (a darker and greener colour from the Light Turquoise) and VGC Night Blue.  For the first few shades it was 2/3 Falcon Turquoise, 1/3 Night Blue and I gradually moved that to 1/5 Falcon Turquoise, 4/5 Night Blue with a touch of black at the end.  This mixture kept the ‘teal’ colour as it darkened.  Going up I went with VMC Sky Blue and VMC Glossy White.  It loses the green somewhat from the base teal but matches with the base colour.

Reaper Bones Female Dwarf
The rest of the dwarf will mainly be metallics as I need to work on my technique for these paints.  I’ve experimented with a rather extreme “lighter on top, dark on bottom” style.  As I work up the figure each metallic is a lighter colour.  The leg greaves are VGC Tinny Tin, the armour skirt VGC Hammered Copper and the top arm pauldrons are VGC Brassy Brass.  Top this off with red hair and the bottom of the figure pretty much isn’t noticed from afar as the eye get drawn upwards by the lighter colours.

I also pre-shaded the resin figure from Dungeon Saga too.  He looks really nice and is super crisp (unlike the Reaper Bones which is missing part of the nose :( ).  Looking forward to doing some 28mm figures and not taking 2-3 months to finish a figure.

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