Saturday, January 9, 2016

54mm Samurai finishing parts

Quick post as I have to get back and do some more painting tonight hopefully.

Almost done
The naginata was glued in place (with 2 part epoxy glue) however some paint on the handle was scraped off so that area had to be primed again.  I first tried painting the handle in a light brown (VMC German Light Brown) but after shading it just looked like a tube, not a wooden handle.  So that was scraped and I went for a more bamboo wood look.  The base coat was a tan yellow with darker brown (VGC Bestial Brown) used to mark the bamboo segments.  An off white was used as the gradual highlight to try and represent some wood texture.  It breaks up the handle quite well and avoids the tube look previously done.

The metal blade on the naginata was highlighted up with VMA Aluminium and shaded down with VMA metallic Black and straight black.  Probably need to pop the contrast a bit more on this.
Start of the back design
I started on a design on the back as it was looking a bit plain.  I liked the idea of three yellow circles in the same colour as yellow trim on the front of the figure.  In the picture is the base coat down with more shading to occur.  The shade/highlight colours will be the same as the rest of the yellow on the figure.

Base completed
On the base the gap between the wall and the ground was puttied up and painted up to match the ground rocks at the front and plain black at the rear.  So the base is pretty much done.

So final push is finishing off the back design and the last few tidy up areas on the figure to make sure there aren’t any over paints, etc.

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