Well I got cracking for a few days, then work hit and knocked me out for a few days but I picked up over the weekend. So in the end on par.
Skirts and sandals |
So firstly I tidied off the green armour skirt and finished off the green shading and highlighting. Need to work a bit more on the two small reliefs on the armour pieces as they are currently gold but look a bit muddy. The moulding isn’t great however.
Secondly was the socks and the sandals. These normally seem to be white or off white so I started with VMC Light Sand and shaded down with some VMC Smoke and highlighted up with VGC Dead White. I did a number of glazes on the toe area and on the ankle bones to make them the whitest part of the sock as they would be stretched the most. The sandal straps I did in VMC German Black/Brown highlighted up with lighter brown colours.
I didn’t get to do the diamond pattern on the back yet. I’m thinking I will do the arms first before attempting this. This is because if I muck it up, there will be a lot of rework to fix it up. Not sure I have the time for that. Plus I’m scared of ruining all that lovely shading work I’ve done :)
Wall trial |
I haven’t worked much on the display base yet so I started some trials on both the wall section and the road section using spare pieces. For the wall I’ve pretty much settled on using five different grey shades with off white/white pointing. The grey rocks are in a random pattern to try and make it look like these are just random stones but they came from the same area/quarry. I did a number of brown shades all over and some dark green (Coat d’Arms Russian Green) down the bottom as water seepage/slime. That was looking ok but not good enough. So I went back and using some glazes highlighted and shaded each rock to try and get some more variation. The good thing here was that since each grey shade was quite close to the other it was a case of the highlight of one grey rock was the shade of the next lighter rock. Once that was done some more brown glazes to blend things back together. My idea was that each rock would have been a different colour, but all would have been in the wall for the same time so “dirty” effects should be constant over all the rocks.
For the rock pathway I started with a base of VGC Earth and then did a number of red brown/brown rock colours. It looks ok, but doesn’t really match with the wall. So I’ll need to try that one again with more greys.
Many trials, nothing usable |
Finally my daughter started on her entry for the Cancon painting competition. She likes the idea of painting but only likes to do 20 minutes at most and is a little intimidated by what I’m painting. Ie what she paints doesn’t look like what daddy does so she feels like giving up. So I need to push her a bit but don’t want it to become painful. Also I forget she has never seen me paint much so hasn’t seen the progression of my figures that much.
So orange |
Currently she is painting up one of the G scale gauge (1/24 - 75mm) figures I purchased off eBay of a seated lady. Luckily my Dungeon Saga kickstarter came and has some nice benches that fit the scale quite well. So it will be a lady in a park (read lots of railway scenic flowers) sitting on a bench. Lets hope we get there.
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