54mm Samurai |
The principle of the colour chart is that you work out all your shading and highlighting before you start on the figure. Then when you are painting you should compare back to your original colour chart to make sure you are staying on track. This stops you from having one way to shade a colour at the start of the project and another when you end (never done that myself of course).
Colour chart |
Due to there being so much colour on the figure (compared to my usual green and brown colour range) I blocked out all the major colour areas just to see of it all worked together. I wanted to see if large areas of the yellow/green/purple meshed. This was a wise idea as I found the breastplate that was going to be purple didn’t work at all. So I dropped that down to the lowest shade of the purple (Hull Red) so the tonal match was still there. The same for the lower groin armour piece. That was changed to a dull brown as it was originally green. So much colour was overwhelming so I needed to add in some neutral colour areas as a break between areas and used the brown for this. Just need to work out the sword colours now.
I did start doing some real painting and managed to work on the very small face area. Not much to work with as all you can see are the eyes and mouth. Even the eyebrows are covered. Going to need to lighten up the face guard quite a bit to pull the viewer up to the face and not get lost in the yellow forehead guard which will be the brightest point on the figure.
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