Sunday, September 13, 2015

Flemish figures for Saga, Reaper Bones Valkyrie

I was going to start on my 54mm Samurai this week, but when I got to the painting bench there were a few too many half done figures.  So I decided to clean up some space first.

Flemish figures for Saga
I’ve had two Flemish figures for Saga half done for months so I tackled them first.  This was when I remembered I haven’t really painted much for two months as everything was off.  My brush control was all over the place, my mixing was bad, shading everywhere.  Always annoys me on how fast my skills drop off without use.  So I’m glad I did these figures before my next 54mm figure, if nothing else than to get back up to speed.

Next was a few Doom figures.  I pre-shaded and base coated the Cyber-demons and did a quick AP soft tone wash on the last of the Mancubus figures.  They aren’t pretty, but I just want them done so they can go back into the box never to be seen again.  No pictures for them.  Just couldn’t get the Mancubus paint scheme right so I covered up all the mistakes with AP washes and dry brushing.  Hopefully the Cyber Demons will be a bit better.  Just three of them and all the Doom figures are done.  Need to get them done before the next big box game with figures arrives :)

Reaper Bones Valkyrie
Many moons ago I purchased my first Reaper Bones figures, a Valkyrie, while in Denmark (as it seemed appropriate).  With just the few hours working on the Flemish figures I was already feeling better about painting and spent an enjoyable two hours working on her face.  For such a cheap figure ($4 AUD) she wasn’t too bad.  Very glad I swapped out the original sword and shield for a hard plastic spear and shield.  Looking forward to doing some more work on her.

Hmm, wall

While in the shed spraying the Cyber-demons I did some playing with a section of plastic card paving that I’m thinking of using as a wall (paving, rough stone wall - pretty much look the same).  This was pre-shaded as usual (white from top, black from bottom) and then sprayed a light brown.  I then did some dark green/brown spray along the bottom to try and represent some algae, etc.  Next will be some colour randomising on the stones to break up the monochromatic brown and oil washes after that I’m thinking.

Super glue vine
Finally I did some more practice on gluing very small leaves onto tiny twigs.  Really getting the hang of this and want to trial a few more pieces to improve my skill level on this technique.

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