Sunday, August 30, 2015

Miniature ivy creeper vines, one leaf at a time

Twigs, glue and birch seeds
This week I blended in the shield tip and feet of my 54mm Prince of Novograd figure to the base snow .  This took a few days as each day was glue on one layer of snow effect, wait for it to dry, then the next day do the next layer.  As the figure is all but done my wife mentioned that he needed some extra colour/bling.  She suggested some green growth on the rear tree.

Growing slowly
I first thought of using lichen but that never looks as good as you want it.  I just can’t seem to get it looking any better than just a lump of badly glued and painted lichen.  Should do some research on that.

My next idea was some laser cut or brass etched vine leaves.  I went to Hobbyco and got the “HO scale laser cut Mini Virginia Creeper” made by Noch.  Absolutely amazing detail on the paper laser cut vines.  However they are a bit small for 54mm.  No waste there as they are just right for 28mm figures.  Guess those wood elves are going to get some serious basing bling.

I had heard of people making their own vines by hand, but didn’t really know a good way to do this.  I recently got a copy of “The rise of fantasy” by Juan J Barrena (recommended reading) where he describes the process using twigs, super glue and birch seeds as leaves to make vines.  Since I already had the birch seeds and the garden has lots of twigs I gave it a try.

Action shot

One sick tree

Surprisingly it worked really well.  I was expecting a mess of glue and tears like my first attempts at making water reeds.  Instead I got some ok looking vines.  One of the key techniques is to let the super glue start to get tacky as that aids in holding the leaf.  Otherwise you are trying not to shake as you wait of the glue to dry, and usually failing.  Even with the very small attachment point the whole thing is very solid.  I’m sold and expect to be having vines and custom trees appearing a lot more in my bases to come.  I do however need to purchase a decent pair of tweezers as the $2 shop ones I have aren’t much chop.

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