Sunday, May 17, 2015

54mm Prince of Novograd white work and 28mm Flemish figure for Saga

Two main bits of work this week and a bit more detail on painting white.  Things were a little rushed last week hence the short post.

 I spent some time this week working more on the white surcoat of my 54mm knight.  This is a challenge as I don’t normally paint white and there is a lot to cover.  I’m using a very similar white range as I did for my test 28mm viking figure with some more shading down.  Colour range current is

VMC Black Grey
VGC Sombre Grey
VGC Ghost Grey + VGC Dead White - base
VGC Dead White
VMC Gloss White
VMA White

I’m pretty much done with the shading and am still working up the highlights.  To avoid that paste like consistency of white paint I’m working with very thin glazes with a unifying glaze of the base coat every 3-4 steps of shading or highlighting.  My shading was a bit too dramatic (i.e. bad) but with a number of base coat and mild shade coat glazes all over the surcoat I managed softened the transitions.    So I’m still not getting the smoothness of transitions right.  It’s getting there but is very slow work.  After an hour of thin whites and greys you aren’t really sure you have changed things much.

In addition to the base coat glazes to unify the shading/highlights I’m also doing some glazes of the shade/highlight colours.  But I’m being selective on this so for example the top half of the figure is getting more highlight glazes and the bottom is getting more shading glazes.  All this is in an effort to achieve that zenithal lighting result of the lower portions of the figure being darker than the upper portions.  Thus your eye is naturally drawn up to the face of the figure.

Taking a break from white, grey and gloss white I painted up another Flemish figure for saga.  This figure is from Eureka Miniatures from their Dark Ages range.  An ok figure but with horrible little squinty eyes.  Really deeply recessed and hard to not blob on paint all around the eye socket.  Just need to finish off the base now.

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