I was a bit stuck on what to do about the helmet. When in doubt just start painting. At worst you can always undercoat again. Initially I had the top hand a deep maroon but that just didn’t look right and was too dark. I then came across the idea (it flew into my funnel so to speak) of painting the visor in the same blue as the cloak and shading it from white to dark blue like the cloak. Ie an extreme zenithal lighting example and carried that also onto the metal of the rest of the helmet. The blue shading was a bit easier the second time round and looked quite nice. Reminds me of the Iron man visor. Keeping with the idea of replicating the colours of the figure in small scale on the helmet I painted the hand white like the surcoat. I had to over shade between the fingers of the hand to make them stand out. Otherwise the hand looked like a really bad rubber glove.
On the main body surcoat I lightened up the white a few levels as he was looking a bit on the grey side. I’m happier with the look now but the white is getting towards the lumpy side after so many (thin) coats.
For the main belt I went for a light brown. The colour range was
VMC German Black/Brown
VGC Charred Brown
VGC Bestial Brown - base
VGC Leather Brown
VMC Iraqi Sand
Might need a another go a a few bits are a bit rough
The cord belt above the main belt was done in brown/orange and then highlighted with Orange Fire. This was a make it pop a little and break up the white surcoat.
To inject a bit of warmth back into the figure I did the scabbard in a dark red/brown (VPA Shadows Flesh) to tie into the shade colour of the face. This was then highlighted up to orange with an old Citadel Blood Red and VGC Orange Fire. I have some AP reds (part of the set I won some time ago) but find them very poor. I keep going back to the old Citadel Blood red (from the old, old hex pots). Probably time to invest in some Vallejo reds before it dies for good.
Also I have been playing around with lots of snow effects trying to get something I like. Hopefully next week a few findings from all the experiments.