Sunday, April 12, 2015

Some Flemish figures for Saga and steampunk resin casting

Just add earth..
Having a break week after finishing blue man I went back to 28mm land and did two figures (out of eight) for my Flemish unit for Saga.  These figures are Normans from Conquest Games.  I wanted to trial some different techniques of painting chainmail too.

Rather than just dry brushing all the chainmail the same way all over I did a graduated dark to light approach so the top of the figure was lighter than the bottom.  Once that was done I did a bit of earth/sky glazing and did a earth colour glaze on the bottom half and a sky blue glaze on the top.  With the chainmail done that was 75% of the figure.  I did struggle to get back to 28mm size faces but overcame that by going down a few brush sizes :)  Just need to finish off the bases and these two are done.

The wife has gotten back into sewing recently and has decided she wants to make some steampunk outfits/gear.  In my other hobby of electronics I have a large collection of misc. gears from old cdroms/etc so I volunteered them for the cause.  Steampunk costumes love gears painted up like brass.  But that got me thinking that my wife will only be able to make 2-3 pieces before the supply of gears is done and cdroms are getting hard to find.  So why not copy them…

Mould box and original gears ready to go
So out came the pinkysil and east cast resin and now we have two mould blocks of gears.  Really this was just an excuse to trial out some more mould making techniques and I did learn some new bits:

It's alive!
The big pour
 * always have a second item ready to become a mould.  That way if you have spare silicon you don’t waste it.  That is why I have a single gear in a mould by itself.  That was the surplus silicon mould and sure enough there was some pinkysil left over to make it.

* don’t change where you are pouring your silicon from halfway through a pour.  It’s a sure way to get air bubbles into the mould.  For a big mould pour in the middle as the pinkysil is quite slow flowing.

Resin casts ready for priming (sorry about the yellow light)
* always have an extra mould ready for when you are mixing resin.  I now have a very small new resin rock made from the larger rock mould from the surplus resin from the gears casting batch.

So next week is still school holidays so not much painting time as I’m taking time off to be daddy daycare.  However I will try and get going with my next 54mm figure, the Soldiers knight, Prince of Novograd.

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