Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Forest path and tree bases

I have a number of Games Workshop trees (the older ones that were the cheap model railway type - not the new plastic kit type) that I based singly on round mdf bases.  I did this because at the time I was playing LotR and single trees suited that level of single figure skirmish games.  As was keeping with the times I did the horrible lawn bowls grass approach and covered the entire base in static grass.  A bit silly as the ground under a tree is normally a bit barren as the tree shades the ground and this reduces how much plant growth occurs underneath the tree.

Forest base I
Now that I'm playing Saga a wanted a way to keep these trees but have a way to use trees as a terrain feature that would impact a small unit of figures.  I decided to make some small forest bases that would be big enough to impact unit movement and you could place one to two trees on each forest base so it was obvious that this terrain piece was representing a forest.

Forest base II

I used 3mm mdf for the base of these pieces.  Once I had cut out the mdf I painted it VGC Earth.  Then I covered the entire base in PVA glue and sprinkled scatter over the base.  I used brown/dark green/olive green and light green.  After that I applied some more glue and added patches of static grass on top of the scatter.  This didn't really work that well.  Next time I would mix the static grass in with the scatter like I did on the ground effects of the rock terrain I made.

Up the garden path anyone?

The third piece is what I call the forest entrance.  It is a resin piece from Fernvale Scenics.  In the centre is a pathway and one either side a collection of rocks and fallen tree bits.  Originally I was intending to add some trees to this piece.  However that made storage an issue so I dropped that idea.  I kept the path visually distinct by using mainly brown scatter on it and the usual green scatter and static grass on the sides.

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