Saturday, June 21, 2014

28mm people take small steps

I've been gaming for some time, which is slowly creeping into a 'long time'.  Originally board war-games (i.e. Avalon Hill) and RPGs (Runequest among others), PBMs (in a time before online gaming) and in small part miniature gaming (Warhammer Fantasy 3rd).  After a break of ten years I got back into miniature wargaming with 15mm Hordes of the Things (HoTT), Warhammer 40K and LoTR but always wanted to get into historic miniature wargaming.  However the figure count needed in the WRG style rule systems stopped me.  I considered DBA but with HoTT I basically already had it.  I considered 15mm the true scale for historical miniatures until I saw a game of 7th Ed Ancient played with 28mm figures.  After that I was a convert to the insanity and cost of historical 28mm, but still not willing to make any investment with metal figure prices being what they were.

After a few years the 40K armies were sold off as they failed the "haven't played with for 3+ years" test and the LoTR games became less frequent with the arrival of small people into my life.  Plus my other personality got into electronics as a hobby a lot more (over at . Thus my painting became more a meditation of doing a couple of misc figures (mainly RPG related) than any serious army painting.  Then Nic of Eureka miniatures mentioned Saga to me (while selling me the Beowulf figure set) at MOAB in September 2011.  Come January Cancon 2012 in I had a copy of Saga, a Viking and Anglo-Danish army, cool looking dice and lots of plastic figures to put together.  I finally had made it to historical miniature gaming (well, at least at the skirmish scale).

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